Friday, April 18, 2008

Abby's first day of school!

I know - April is a strange time of year for a first day of school. But Abby has been on the waiting list for the 1 year old class at the preschool since last July, and she JUST got in! She had a great first day today - she played well with others and didn't miss me at all! It was strange to drive away from the school without anyone in the backseat, but I had a good morning too! Its amazing how much more efficient I am at shopping for clothes without anyone under aged 5 with me!

Here are some pics from Abby's first day!

And here was Abby after a long tiring morning at school:

(Too bad the nap only lasted as long as the car ride!)

1 comment:

Lili said...

abby looks so cute on her first day!! I am glad she loved school..